Plantations and Mono-Culture Regrowth

The conversion of Native forests to the biological deserts of plantations and aerial seeded mono-cultures, profoundly changes the hydrology of the land, the micro-climate and fertility of the land forever.

Before & After

In catchments where there is a high component of plantation or re-growth mono-cultures, stream flows rise and fall very quickly due to little or no bio-mass on the ground and so the speed of run-off increases dramatically.

When run-off increases, erosion, soil and nutrient loss results in the contamination of waterways and pauperisation of the land.

 While the initial run-off from plantations and mono-cultures is substantial, the uptake of water by young vigorously growing trees and evapo-transpiration can reduce stream flows by up to 50% at around 50 years of age with relative catchment stability returning at 150 years plus. [Ref : Catchment Stability-- Kuczera Curve]

Declining supply of water versus rising demand in Tasmania's countryside.

As rainfall continues to decline, river and lake levels are falling.
However, large scale conversion of the Tasmanian countryside to plantations is massively increasing the demand for water. Thirsty plantations take water before it enters our streams. Tasmania is at the cross over point between supply and demand. Projections are based on data collated from the Tasmanian DPIW, Gunns' IIS and hydrological modelling (TasLUCaS).

Plantations for ‘World Scale’ Pulp Mill are too Large for Tasmania’s Water Supplies

Water is becoming more precious but the pulp mill plantations are leading to chronic and increasing shortages of water for farmers, communities and towns in the decades ahead. As the % area of a catchment covered by plantations grows, the river levels fall, M O R E from TAP. . . . . .

If plantation growers were required to pay the same price for the water they use as other users and irrigators have to pay, then they would not be viable.

Corporate Forest Industries together State Forest managers, when in changing the nature and structure of forests whether to re-growth, aerial seeded eucalypts or as plantation growers should be required to pay the same price for water as other users, and held liable for the water they deprive those other users and communities from.

Devil Facial Tumour Disease

Is Devil Facial Tumour Disease Caused By Cloned Transgenic Trees?

“There are several ways in which the Forest Practices Code purports to protect people’s water supply. In fact it uses the word “protect” a lot in their comments about water quality but when it comes to water quantity there is no protection whatever. There is no assessment before a plantation is put in or any other thing as to what the flow might be so you can compare it later and have compensation.”

“The whole forest industry operates to it’s own set of codes and laws which are very unfair because everyone else has to operate within environmental, industrial and other codes so you don’t actually have any protection at all.”

“If your water supply disappears it’s disappeared.”

Dr. David Leaman, Geohydrologist - FOUR CORNERS 16/02/04


Australian Story
ABC Television
The 2 videos appear to be removed from publication.
We are trying to track them down.

Monocultures ... Monsters in the Making

Monocultures ... Monsters in the Making

© Malini Alexander

The fact that a monoculture plantation of E. nitens could be the source of toxins found by Dr Marcus Scammell and Dr Alison Bleaney, should raise questions about the viability of these plantations in Tasmania.


Profit Trumps People and Planet in Brazil’s Eucalyptus Industry

BY: Steve Taylor – Orin Langelle

Native to Australia and Tasmania, the prehistoric tree has been planted in such volumes that eucalyptus plantations cover some 25 million hectares around the globe—larger than the entire land area of the United Kingdom. By 2028, according to forecasts, the global eucalyptus oil market is projected to exceed $213 million, while the worldwide market for eucalyptus pulp will expand to nearly $17 billion, but the eucalyptus industry has a dark side...

Extensive eucalypt plantations in Uruguay and their voracious water requirements, have lowered or dried up community wells and even resulted in the evacuation of a town formally known as Las Flores.

There have been a similar problems with eucalypt plantations in India.

Even though the evapo-transpiration from mono-culture regrowth or plantations is far greater than it is from old forests, it does not translate into increased rainfall patens or a stable water cycle.

While the fertility of old forests is in the trees themselves and the detritus on the forest floor, plantations and mono-culture re-growth, put nothing back into what overwhelmingly in Tasmania are impoverished soils. The use of artificial fertilizers and the resulting run-off contaminates many waterways.

Mono-culture production encourages the unbalanced proliferation of pests and diseases. The simplification of natural symbiotic systems destroys the habitat for flora and fauna changing or destroying the essential mod of reproduction for many species.

i.e. Pollinators, seed disbursing birds and insects and ground based soil disturbing animals such as echidnas, wombats and marsupials etc. 

Secrets Of Cooperation Between Trees And Fungi Revealed

Ban on GE Trees Gains Momentum

"Scientists at Duke University in North Carolina have created pollen models that show tree pollen traveling from a forest in North Carolina for over 1,000 kilometers northward into eastern Canada. Scientists researching sterility in trees have admitted that 100 percent guaranteed sterility in GE trees is impossible. This evidence implies that if GE trees are released into the environment, widespread and irreversible contamination of native forests cannot be prevented."

NPR Reports on Controversy Surrounding Genetically Engineered Trees


Niten Facts

BY: Charles and Claire Gilmour